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Updates 2024. December 10-19 Game Server: Fix Relics showing on OpenUI Improved algorithm for checking client-character when entering the game Added Effect param castNumber Update GearScore model Update GM crt.announces - to screen EnchantItemTable - added use attribute maxEnchant for item Fix proper choice item for acquire skill Added ExUserViewInfoParameter - part 1 Update L2Decoy model Fix Light Points model (Divine Templar) Added stat "skillCastCountLimit" Fix Quest Accept checking ExUserViewInfoParameter - small corrections Clean OutExPacketKor Update EffectKnockDown L2World npe L2DecoyInstance FourSepulchersManager OFF Add DualInventorySwap Fix enchant process: gearScore of equipped item Datapack: Fix Hunt Pass reward 72286 Fix GC teleport point Fix "Cloack of Protection"(93301) Fix skill "Clone's Rage"(87309) Update Training Zone Fix 280 reward HuntPass.xml Fix skill "Freezing Wound"(47011) Complectation: "Wild Wind Helmet"(100214/100215), "Red Flame Gauntlets"(100780/100781) Minor corrections by Special Armors Fix TOI zone Fix "Spellbook Coupon - 1 Star"(101209) Implement Ruby/Damond stones Added gearScore values - part 1 enchantData.xml - added use attribute maxEnchant for item collectionData.txt - fixed 153 id Fixed stack for 2 triggers SK Update skills "Flying Leap"(87821), "Divine Guardian"(87850), "Destiny"(87883) Update skills "Templar's Power"(88040/88044) Complectation: added Hunter's Armors Corrections for the Special Armors Complectation: added "Heavely Talisman"(100547) enchantData.xml: fix enchant stone 101530 Fix skills "Holy Circle"(87813), "Flying Leap"(87821), "Decoy"(87824) Fix items "Talisman of Baium"(49683/94119) Fix exchange Hero Cirlet in the LimitShopCraft.xml Add DualInventorySwap Fix gearScore equipped item
Updates 2024. November 22 - December 09 Game Server: Corrections "after post" Rework PcBang points Add some options to options.properties Setup to some options proper default values Fixed chance triggers with targetActiveEffect option Corrections to mechanic of triggers work Added item option "is_commission_store" and check in the WorldExchangeManager Fixed triggers "after post" Minor corrections: character deleteMe(), clear htm Quest Added stat "vitality_keep" Update Spellbook Analyzer + options skills.properties Fixed PrimeShop Expand model for Sell Giran Seal service Update configt pvp, pk to death_pk_pvp.properties Added payment restore after Death Premium settings added to worldtrade.properties from DP Fixed update add/reduce LCoins update packet Expand model "Global Config" LimitShops: added <disableProduct> for tune stages or disable not implemented products worldtrade.properties added Premium cabinet enable/disable options Fix cast process (auto, abortcast) Correct to update ExLevelAmbienceChangeInfo packet and change in config Fixes "after post" Base char environment: face, hairStyle, hairColor moved to base templates. Fixed create chars with advanced hair style Minor fixes custom.properties - added AltMissionLevelJumpPrice Added condition <player timeZone="fieldId"/> Fixed LimitCraftShop + limits Possible fix for QuestDAO update quest variables Ent option EntAllowLogProcess check containts "word" Fixed Worls-Instance mobs respawn Added base model for Gear Score Fixes (syncronized) quest actions onKill, client quest accept, cancel, complete Fixed karma gain per mob Fixed payment ressurection Minor corrections Datapack: Update World Trade table Added Copupon's multisells Update Game Assistant Shop (Items) Added items 72400-72499 Fixed mobs SP Fix pack to Items Added option "is_commission_store" - part 1-8 Sync icon/icon_panel from Client Fixed skills 87700-87799.xml "after post" Update Buylists for NPC Added multisell/300811.xml for Helvetia(30081), Holy(30839) Update itemBaseInfo.txt Added "Eva's Earring (MP Recovery)"(100963), "Shillien's Earring (HP Drain)"(100964), "Sayha's Ring (Atk. Spd.)"(100965), "Pa'agrio's Ring (P./ M. Atk.)"(100966), "Einhasad's Necklace (Cooldown)"(100967), "Scroll: Enchant Accessory"(101228) Update localization's files Added skill "Grace Sustention"(52048) to keep Sayha Minor corrections Update Coupon's list "3-star Spellbook Change Coupon (Time-limited)"(100444), "4-star Spellbook Change Coupon (Time-limited)"(101808) SylphStormBlaster.xml: fixed learn "Goring Charge"(47001) Update Spellbooks panel icons Update DropInfoManager Update Premium buy process Update Premium dialog LimitShopCraft.xml : added <disableProduct> for tune stages or disable not implemented products Update PremiumCabinet Expand model "Global Config" for quests Minor corrections Fixed items "Agathion Dragon Egg"(98235), "Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing"(94872/101921) PremiumCabinet Fix skill "Dual Blow"(47002) lil correction TeleportListData.xml Base char environment: face, hairStyle, hairColor moved to base templates. Fixed create chars with advanced hair style Fixed skills "Sacral Strike"(87801/87951), "Purify"(87804/87954), "Ultimate Rising Attack"(47677) Added SP Scrolls Fixed skills "Light Discharge"(98810), "Flying Leap"(87821) EvaTemplar.xml, ShillienTemplar.xml no learn "Shield of Faith"(528) Fixed reward 40 lvl ShilenKnight Minor corrections Added Scrolls for TOI Skill "Arcane Power"(337) auto Skill "Provoke"(286/47950) autoReuse reduced to 5 sec TZ "Aztacan's Temple" is world zone LimitShopCraft.xml fixed echange Belt -> Bless Belt Fixed Scrolls Attack(40219/40220)/Defence(40221/40222) Elixir(94314) no tradable Fixed Bless Aden Talisman enchant Fixed skills "Sacral Strike"(87801/81951), "Purify"(87404/87954), "Light Discharge(87810/87960), "Flying Leap"(87821) Fixed items "Beleth's Soul Eater"(96269), "Einhasad's Protection"(96728/96729) ChaoticBoss - added to GConfig DropInfoManager - corrections for Bosses Fixed skill type Dummy - can use SSX Minor corrections Fixed Spelllbook Coupon 101209 Small corrections
Updates 2024. November 15-21 Game Server: Relics System part 1-7 + Relics, RelicsCollection work AccountRelicsManager + Relics, Relics Collection - part 3 + Added relics.properties + Update l2emu-commons-3.0.1vs.jar and check game server load + Files from the config/versionning folder are no longer used + Update relics.properties + Relics skills Update Collections model - work AccountCollectionsManager Fix RC packet Correct SkillSystem Analyze Rework World Exchange System (improved interface) + options.properties added WorldExchangeDebug + Added stat wexchangeLimit to + max slots to World Exchange sell list per player + Added config worldtrade.properties + Update l2emu-commons-3.0.1vs.jar Datapack: Relics System part 1,2 + Added Relics, Relics Collection data + DDL account_relics + Doll Coupons implements + Add data for relics + Minor corrections + Added some Doll's skills Added new items 474 (101500-100200) + new Doll Coupons, Chests etc SkillTress, fix pack + SkillTrees - update sp/Adena for 0-3rd Class levels + SkillTrees - Commons.xml, pledgeSkillTree.xml Added Spellbooks to Coupon's lists Fix pack for skills "after post" Update World Exchange system + Update DDL world_exchange_items.sql Add skill "Vulcan Doll"(50727) Corrections to spawnlist.sql
Information about current names of abnormal effects. Protocol version 474 AbnormalVisualEffect.java
Updates 2024. November 6-14 Game Server: Added param option to effect Added AbnormalVisualEffect 474 Added stat transDamToPlayerVuln - def from transfer damage for tank Correction for SpellbookAnalyzer enchant.properties - removed unused options EnchantBack, EnchantHair Changed conditions <player/target active_effect_id="skillId-skillLvl"> floodprotector.properties - bypasstoserver no skip Added skill type "SPAWN_RANDOM" (params same as for SPAWN) + param: format npcId: npcId,amount,weight;npcId,amount,weight + param: spawnCount LimitShopData added support for list attributes "enabled", "categoryEnabled" Update mysql driver 5.1.31 -> 5.1.49 (added support mysql 8.0x) LimitShopData - correction for calculate summary chance "Start" Removed setenv.* files, process starts with option -cp ./lib/* Rework work with Decoy + Add effect "Suicide" + Add effect "DecoyUseSkill" + Effects's option "selfEnd" now work right + Removed skill type "DECOY", replaced to "SPAWN_DECOY" Improved info method toString() for non-player characters Update skill "Clan's Exuberance"(1867) for raid phase to 35 Datapack: Skills 474: added ""Shelter: Master"(47310) Corrections "Tribunal"(400), "Titan Champion"(45413) Skills 474: added "Condemnation: Master"(47313) Added "Templar's Assault"(88009) Skill Trees changed EvaTemplar.xml, ShillienTemplar.xml Changed conditions <player/target active_effect_id="skillId-skillLvl"> Added skill "Supernova"(87972) Update skill "Light Discharge"(87810/87960) Correct skill "Condemnation"(47313) Added skills "Apocalypse"(88012), "Armor of Swift Current"(87977) Added skills "Eva's Tempest"(87978), "Shillien's Tempest"(87995), "Aqua Wave"(88017), "Thunder Master"(88031), "Water Master"(88071) Update skills "Mass Lightning Strike"(10094) Added skill "Sea Vortex Rush"(87981/88023), "Life Magic Harmony - Defense"(88068), "Life Magic Harmony - Attack"(88069) Update skills "Judgment"(401) Added skills "Templar's Rush"(87992), "Lightning Wave Break"(87993), "Dark Rush"(88001), "Templar's Weapon Mastery"(88049), "Templar's Armor Mastery"(88050), "Battle Training"(88067), Classes skills trees "Eva Templar", "Shillien Templar" changed 474 Skill "Shield Mastery"(153) used with Shield Update LimitShop.xml, LimitShopCraft.xml, OneDayReward.xml Assasin's skills fixed "Backward Movement"(87323), "Shadow Explosion"(87155), "Clone's Rage"(87309) Assasin's skills fix/update pack 474: "Assassination"(87307), "Clone's Rage"(87309), "Time Warp"(87351), "Erosion"(87361), "Encroachment"(87362), "Sharp Blade"(87367), "Detect Vulnerability"(88082) Update HighElves skills fix/update 474 pack - "Fire Sphere"(87701/87711), "Ice Sphere"(87702/87712), "Blazing Tempest"(87703/87713), "Glacier Strike"(87704/87714), "Bright Dance"(87705/87715), "Claidheamh Soluis"(87708/87718), "Florescence"(87709/87719), "Nature Spirit"(87751/87761) Update "Clan Arena" + Update reward "Clan Arena" + Added Bosses for "Clan Arena" + Update skill "Clan's Exuberance"(1867) Update enter to the TZ "Alligator Island" - 10k Adena Update "Blood Crystal" - Sealed Removed "Dwelling of Spirits", "Valakas Temple" Update/Fix items "Sigil of Inevitability"(94300), "Shield of Vengeance"(94301/94302), "Sigil of Protection"(95663/95664), "Shield of Protection"(95665/95666), "Talisman of Speed"(92403/97558) Add/Update "Berserker's Shield"(96936/98984), "Berserker's Sigil"(96937/98985)